In one Calm Morning, I sit at the Dining table with typical No-Mood-Up from Sleep Face and My Ma come to me and make me a drink, our conversation was something like this
Ma: Along, balik tak ari ni atau tido kat Rawang
Me: Balik Ma
Ma: Ma tgk Along pegi keje balik keje je, Along ni takde Kawan ke?
Me: Ade, Alip ngan Mus tuh, ade je
Ma: Maksud Ma kwn perempuan, Gf,
Me: .............
Ma: Keje dan Tolong Family tu penting, tp Along kene jaga diri juga, Tak salah cr Org ntuk share Problem, sebab Ma tau Along mmg Tak cite sume bende ngan Ma
Me: Ma ckp ape ni?
Ma: Jd Normal Along, Jgn jadi seorg yg pentingkan diri, Ma rse dah cukup ape yg Along bg
Me: .............
Ma: pegi je cri yg sesuai
Me: easier talk than done Ma, i have nothing to give to them
Ma: Ada, bg ape yg Along Bg kat Family, pd die,
Me: Sape?
Ma: Mulakan dgn Gambar Perempuan kat Wallpaper Handphone Along tu
Me: tgk la dulu Ma,
Starts with A girl in my Phone Wallpaper, hmm, i just have no guts to tell her that was really what i want, afraid she might hate me and ruin our friendship, hate to see her cry , once before i was a liar, saying things that not in my heart, once im true, saying everything truely but it become intimidating. but now i dont say anything, and ive yet to see the consequences, Ive never experience Commited relationships so i think thats what i fear, to start, maybe someday i will be overturn by a girl, then just lets see, rushing into something will get u nowhere,
** Before my Ma says: Sekolah dulu, takyah nak menggatal cr makwe, but now, it changes
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Have a Stroll at Where I work, My Office
i Work As A Quantity Surveyor and Safety Advisor At CSC Bhd as a subcontractor of Mudajaya Bhd under IJM Corporation,
Where i spend most of my time, work, facebooking, sleeping, my main table,
My only shelf, these file is only accessible by me, coz i filed it up my way, even my boss have a headache , hahaha
What i like in my office?
1. i got all of this for myself
2. i can do whatever i want in it, eat , sleepover,
3. have 2 units of air-conditioner
4. the inspection glass to my left
5. the only Computer access to internet Via WireLAN others use Wireless body disturb my work
7. i thank my Boss for this generousity
What i like in my office?
1. i got all of this for myself
2. i can do whatever i want in it, eat , sleepover,
3. have 2 units of air-conditioner
4. the inspection glass to my left
5. the only Computer access to internet Via WireLAN others use Wireless body disturb my work
7. i thank my Boss for this generousity
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
if its consider as bakat then i have this one thing, i tend to be not care for about an instant.
lets say, im caring for u, asking how ur doing, are u well, even pat the dust off ur shoulder, but sometimes, i just change, i will be so blur and seems like dont care anymore, i look for a sign, and if i found it, i will be more caring or suddenly i dont want to see u, its nothing wrong with you, it is about me, so dont be like sad or feeling cheated or anything
Last nite i saw this girl, ive known her for two years. but i saw something in her eyes so i decided to leave her be from now on, im sorry but i have to do this. :)
the weakness that i have is i easily fall for someone, but i also easy to forget my foolish feeling anytime, im no one, so just beat it and see the whole world for urself,
and note this, if i see a pie surrounded by flies, i will leave the pie, someone decide to protect the pie by exterminate flies, but not for me, if its too sweet, i will get diabetes, so just let the flies have it
lets say, im caring for u, asking how ur doing, are u well, even pat the dust off ur shoulder, but sometimes, i just change, i will be so blur and seems like dont care anymore, i look for a sign, and if i found it, i will be more caring or suddenly i dont want to see u, its nothing wrong with you, it is about me, so dont be like sad or feeling cheated or anything
Last nite i saw this girl, ive known her for two years. but i saw something in her eyes so i decided to leave her be from now on, im sorry but i have to do this. :)
the weakness that i have is i easily fall for someone, but i also easy to forget my foolish feeling anytime, im no one, so just beat it and see the whole world for urself,
and note this, if i see a pie surrounded by flies, i will leave the pie, someone decide to protect the pie by exterminate flies, but not for me, if its too sweet, i will get diabetes, so just let the flies have it
Sunday, September 26, 2010
What if U is me?
u will be -:
1. 169cm tall
2. weight varies extremely, last call 56kg
3. Always sleepy
4. hardcore RPG gamers
5. Musical, poetic kind of person
6. hard to trust coz seems so unreal
7. just have near death experience
8. crazy about sneakers Particularly Converse
9. Drive recklessly
10. sleep a lot, and ignore everything during the time
11. treasure someone that gives the same
12. dont give a D*mn about anyone else excepts for ............
13. live in a complicated family
14. money always last
15. Do anything truely
16. i destroy more than i create
17. loves Kim Taeyeon of Girls Generation
18. talents? absolute Poker face
19. have laughing problems
20. do anything to solve problems
21. not so good in fashion sense
22. sometimes a mute
23. mood swings by time, 10pm, and morning, like it quite
24. love childrens
25. have cooking brain but bone is heavy
26. sarcastic mind, please beware
27. dont try untried food but try untried games
28. items collectors
29. online evryday but never feel addicted, have no problems to leave it for a while
30. always up to something, not a person with empty mind
ordinary? complicated? typical? u judge
1. 169cm tall
2. weight varies extremely, last call 56kg
3. Always sleepy
4. hardcore RPG gamers
5. Musical, poetic kind of person
6. hard to trust coz seems so unreal
7. just have near death experience
8. crazy about sneakers Particularly Converse
9. Drive recklessly
10. sleep a lot, and ignore everything during the time
11. treasure someone that gives the same
12. dont give a D*mn about anyone else excepts for ............
13. live in a complicated family
14. money always last
15. Do anything truely
16. i destroy more than i create
17. loves Kim Taeyeon of Girls Generation
18. talents? absolute Poker face
19. have laughing problems
20. do anything to solve problems
21. not so good in fashion sense
22. sometimes a mute
23. mood swings by time, 10pm, and morning, like it quite
24. love childrens
25. have cooking brain but bone is heavy
26. sarcastic mind, please beware
27. dont try untried food but try untried games
28. items collectors
29. online evryday but never feel addicted, have no problems to leave it for a while
30. always up to something, not a person with empty mind
ordinary? complicated? typical? u judge
Tangan Pemusnah dan Tangan Penyayang
Tangan Pemusnah
Who call me this? : My Ma, My Sister, My Dad, and Zuhair
its all start, by my Ma, Ma amat risau kalu aku star masuk dapurnye, die akan bersuara "Tangan pemusnah dah masuk dapur, 1 swing of hand mesti ade bende yg pecah" and sebenarnye takde pe pun yg aku musnahkan kat dapur umah aku except for....
1. Acuan ice yg petak2 tuh, jenis yg paling nipis punye
2. Pinggan yg berusia lebih dr 25 tahun
3. Kuali, bengkok je,
4. Mesin basuh(located kat dapo)
5. kepala2 paip
actually aku tak wat pape pun, cume aku terover grip barg2 tu, err.. aku masih lagi tak mengaku salah smpi hari ni
Tangan Penyayang
Who call me this? : Amira Rizal, Eryna Natasha,
in case for Mira, she said that i use to do all sort of cruel and bad things, but when it comes to the time, my touch will be the gentlest of all,.. hmm.. i dont know myself,
for Eryna, die plak ckp to lose my tense face and movement, to be more relaxed sbb die ckp yg die dah penah rse kelembutan yg ade pade aku, awww!! kelakar like hell!!
both of them tell me that animals ,old guys and babies can sense the gentlenest of people, maybe, because so far im having no problems with those whatsoever
aku jugak ade gearan2 yg lain, mcm Anak Harapan, Tgn Pekebun , Pelesit Jalanraya dan mcm2 lagi, errr.. aku no komen...
Who call me this? : My Ma, My Sister, My Dad, and Zuhair
its all start, by my Ma, Ma amat risau kalu aku star masuk dapurnye, die akan bersuara "Tangan pemusnah dah masuk dapur, 1 swing of hand mesti ade bende yg pecah" and sebenarnye takde pe pun yg aku musnahkan kat dapur umah aku except for....
1. Acuan ice yg petak2 tuh, jenis yg paling nipis punye
2. Pinggan yg berusia lebih dr 25 tahun
3. Kuali, bengkok je,
4. Mesin basuh(located kat dapo)
5. kepala2 paip
actually aku tak wat pape pun, cume aku terover grip barg2 tu, err.. aku masih lagi tak mengaku salah smpi hari ni
Tangan Penyayang
Who call me this? : Amira Rizal, Eryna Natasha,
in case for Mira, she said that i use to do all sort of cruel and bad things, but when it comes to the time, my touch will be the gentlest of all,.. hmm.. i dont know myself,
for Eryna, die plak ckp to lose my tense face and movement, to be more relaxed sbb die ckp yg die dah penah rse kelembutan yg ade pade aku, awww!! kelakar like hell!!
both of them tell me that animals ,old guys and babies can sense the gentlenest of people, maybe, because so far im having no problems with those whatsoever
aku jugak ade gearan2 yg lain, mcm Anak Harapan, Tgn Pekebun , Pelesit Jalanraya dan mcm2 lagi, errr.. aku no komen...
Friday, September 24, 2010
Melancong adalah pengalaman yang menarik bagi setiap orang. Bagaimana pula jika korg melancong ke Korea tanpa sorang pun yg dikenali di sana?
What would you do? It's kinda a 'gamble thing' to do.. And hell yeah, I did..
Jika korg yakin boleh melancong secara 'gamble', its a fun thing to do. If you don't have any confidence, I strongly suggest you NOT to do it.. Sebarang kemungkinan boleh berlaku di negara orang jika anda tidak bersedia sepenuhnya secara mentally.
Korea adalah negara yang unik. Yang paling best Pompuan, SHOPPING!! Yes, banyak handbag replica dijual di Korea, especially di Seoul. Pendek kata, mcm kat Pasar Besar Siti Khatijah di Kota Bharu, Kelantan... Tapi size pasar nya adalah dalam 3-4 kali ganda lebih besar.. Bukan ada satu bangunan saja, tapi beberapa building.
Let say ada 5-6 building besarnya mcm Sogo, tapi ade setingkat dua saja, bkn bertingkat2.. eheheh.. It's a heaven to shop replica/imitation handbags? Extremely huge selection. Hmm banyak sgt handbags sampai anda tak tau nak buat pilihan. Trust me on this.. ;)
Untuk Lelaki, Korean Girls!! Yeahhhh!!! and bg aku its the Bungee Jumping in Youldong Park!
korg boleh tawar menawar dengan peniaga di sana very smoothly. Mereka boleh berkomunikasi dgn English. So, absolutely tiada masalah langsung sebenarnya.
Here is the tip. Jika mereka tanya korg dari mana, jawablah korg dari Malaysia atau dari negara Asia Tenggara. Don't say you are come from USA or Japan or UK. Elakkan berbahasa Jepun dgn mereka walaupun korg tahu berbahasa Jepun.
Reason? Sebabnya jika korga start communicate in Japanese, mereka mempunyai impression that you are bringing Yen Japan which is the currency is higher than Won Korea. In other words, they see you as a tourist who has a 'lot of money'.
Di satu pasar in Seoul(lupa pasar mana), I tried bargain an item.. When I asked the seller, he said the price was 1300 won. Then a Japanese came to the shop and asked the price of same item. The seller said the price was 1500 won.. That's a great example from my experience.
Di sana, makcik jual brooch kat tepi jalan pon boleh tahu cakap English.. ehehe.. Well, of course they use broken English but as long as you can communicate with them without any misunderstanding, its very cool..
Untuk penginapan, korg boleh memilih hotel mengikut kemampuan korg.. Hotel 3 bintang pun sudah ok sebenarnya because anda bukannya mahu menghabiskan masa di hotel. Semestinya akorg keluar dan menghabiskan masa sehari suntuk di luar.
Public transport di sana boleh dikatakan 'reliable and punctual'. Jika anda ke Seoul dan Busan, menggunakan Subway or LRT adalah paling ideal.
Tak tau camna nak beli tiket? Well, it happened to me. ahaha.. tekan punya tekan tak kuar2 gak.. Pastu ade sorang old man ni helped me to buy a ticket from the machine. Korean people are very friendly and helpful. They love tourists..
Tips yg paling penting ialah pastikan korg membuat preparation secukupnya. Bawa contact number embassy Malaysia di Korea sekiranya berlaku sebarang emergency. Barang berharga hendaklah dibawa bersama-sama ketika keluar berjalan, bukannya tinggal di hotel. Pakai pakaian yg sesuai lebih-lebih lagi jika anda melancong during winter.
Lastly, have fun!! ;)
What would you do? It's kinda a 'gamble thing' to do.. And hell yeah, I did..
Jika korg yakin boleh melancong secara 'gamble', its a fun thing to do. If you don't have any confidence, I strongly suggest you NOT to do it.. Sebarang kemungkinan boleh berlaku di negara orang jika anda tidak bersedia sepenuhnya secara mentally.
Korea adalah negara yang unik. Yang paling best Pompuan, SHOPPING!! Yes, banyak handbag replica dijual di Korea, especially di Seoul. Pendek kata, mcm kat Pasar Besar Siti Khatijah di Kota Bharu, Kelantan... Tapi size pasar nya adalah dalam 3-4 kali ganda lebih besar.. Bukan ada satu bangunan saja, tapi beberapa building.
Let say ada 5-6 building besarnya mcm Sogo, tapi ade setingkat dua saja, bkn bertingkat2.. eheheh.. It's a heaven to shop replica/imitation handbags? Extremely huge selection. Hmm banyak sgt handbags sampai anda tak tau nak buat pilihan. Trust me on this.. ;)
Untuk Lelaki, Korean Girls!! Yeahhhh!!! and bg aku its the Bungee Jumping in Youldong Park!
korg boleh tawar menawar dengan peniaga di sana very smoothly. Mereka boleh berkomunikasi dgn English. So, absolutely tiada masalah langsung sebenarnya.
Here is the tip. Jika mereka tanya korg dari mana, jawablah korg dari Malaysia atau dari negara Asia Tenggara. Don't say you are come from USA or Japan or UK. Elakkan berbahasa Jepun dgn mereka walaupun korg tahu berbahasa Jepun.
Reason? Sebabnya jika korga start communicate in Japanese, mereka mempunyai impression that you are bringing Yen Japan which is the currency is higher than Won Korea. In other words, they see you as a tourist who has a 'lot of money'.
Di satu pasar in Seoul(lupa pasar mana), I tried bargain an item.. When I asked the seller, he said the price was 1300 won. Then a Japanese came to the shop and asked the price of same item. The seller said the price was 1500 won.. That's a great example from my experience.
Di sana, makcik jual brooch kat tepi jalan pon boleh tahu cakap English.. ehehe.. Well, of course they use broken English but as long as you can communicate with them without any misunderstanding, its very cool..
Untuk penginapan, korg boleh memilih hotel mengikut kemampuan korg.. Hotel 3 bintang pun sudah ok sebenarnya because anda bukannya mahu menghabiskan masa di hotel. Semestinya akorg keluar dan menghabiskan masa sehari suntuk di luar.
Public transport di sana boleh dikatakan 'reliable and punctual'. Jika anda ke Seoul dan Busan, menggunakan Subway or LRT adalah paling ideal.
Tak tau camna nak beli tiket? Well, it happened to me. ahaha.. tekan punya tekan tak kuar2 gak.. Pastu ade sorang old man ni helped me to buy a ticket from the machine. Korean people are very friendly and helpful. They love tourists..
Tips yg paling penting ialah pastikan korg membuat preparation secukupnya. Bawa contact number embassy Malaysia di Korea sekiranya berlaku sebarang emergency. Barang berharga hendaklah dibawa bersama-sama ketika keluar berjalan, bukannya tinggal di hotel. Pakai pakaian yg sesuai lebih-lebih lagi jika anda melancong during winter.
Lastly, have fun!! ;)
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Aku suke gelak sebab aku rse korg kelakar
*mood= Half tak puas hati, suku happy,suku lapar*
Aku selalu gelak, kenapa? Ha, ni yg nak cite ni
Dr aku kecik, aku sgt suka gelakkan org, haha, bad eh? tp skang da berubah, aku ske gelak bila lihat pe yg jadi betul2 ikut ape yg ku rse,
1st case.
dulu die selalu kacau2 aku, and gurau ngan aku tp bulan satu aritu die pop a question and i say no immediately, haha, so skang ape yg buat aku gelak pade die ialah setiap kali die susah or tersepit bru nak contact aku, cri kereta sewa la, nak mintak tolong antar gi kolej la, so aku wat lek je la, and even time rye pun not even 1 msg smpi hari ni so i decided to hell with it, ko cume dgr aku ckp no tp ko tak penah nak tye aku nape, so that is ur problem, kalu ko tye aku ade 3 sebab yg konkrit, haha, skang aku cume tggu ko dlm kesulitan lg skali so aku leh gelak lg
2nd case
taknak bercakap? then takyah ckp, i dont even bother la, tak luak pun beras lam umah aku tak berckp ngan ko, ko ade msalah nak trust org, tp tu bukan masalah aku, bile aku ckp ko ade assumption ko sendiri tp ko tak sedar yg bende tu sebenarnye ape yg ko buat, ko ckp kalu dgn perempuan aku jd anjing tp ko tak sedar yg ko hari2 layan aku mcm anjing, tp even anjing pun kalu diberi makan tahu berterima kasih, tp ko? haiihhh, frankly speaking, even kesenangan ko skang ni pun sisa dr ape yg aku reject setahun dulu, n ko bgga n berlagak dgn bende yg ko recycle dr sampah aku, tp jgn risau, ko takkan sedar, n smpi hari ni aku rse ko seorg yg melucukan
3rd case
ini lagi kelakar, terpengaruh, ko tgk org buat sesuatu ko nak ikut , tp bila ade something wrong ko tunding jari, masalh pertama ko ialah ko berkawan ngan org2 yg beringatan kuat, org2 yg teliti, org2 yg berani buat berani tanggung, tp ko tak mcm tu sume, bila buat salah bukan susah pun nak minta maaf tp ko tak pulak, haha, brgkali ko takut kene bedal tp bukan sume org tak pemaaf mcm ko, hihihi. ko kelakar la
4th case
perkara yg paling senang, diam.. ko cite nak boom je, bila dgr aku mmg caye tp bila ade ralat aku tgk ko lain mcm je, tp ko sedar yg ko lain mcm, aku tak pikir pape pun tp last2 ko yg timbulkan ke-suspicious-an ko, bile aku tye ko sentap2, kalu takde pape ko wat lek je la, tp aku tau, mmg best berlagak baik, aku pun buat, haha, tu yg kelakar tu!
5th case
ko rse org tak hormat ko, tp ko tu hormat org ke? ko igt sume org leh trime ke cre ko, dah la kelakar, ko soh org trime cre ko tp ko deny cre org laen, pastu suke2 je wat muke ketat ko, aku nak bgtau yg aku ni bukan penyabar , aku tak suke hidup dgn kene tipu so act aku dah tahu ape yg ko buat, so ko ingat aku tak tahu so aku wat je la tak tahu, kelakar kan? ko rse ko berjaya tipu tp dr awal aku dah tahu... kelakar2
Update** Mood= best!
Aku selalu gelak, kenapa? Ha, ni yg nak cite ni
Dr aku kecik, aku sgt suka gelakkan org, haha, bad eh? tp skang da berubah, aku ske gelak bila lihat pe yg jadi betul2 ikut ape yg ku rse,
1st case.
dulu die selalu kacau2 aku, and gurau ngan aku tp bulan satu aritu die pop a question and i say no immediately, haha, so skang ape yg buat aku gelak pade die ialah setiap kali die susah or tersepit bru nak contact aku, cri kereta sewa la, nak mintak tolong antar gi kolej la, so aku wat lek je la, and even time rye pun not even 1 msg smpi hari ni so i decided to hell with it, ko cume dgr aku ckp no tp ko tak penah nak tye aku nape, so that is ur problem, kalu ko tye aku ade 3 sebab yg konkrit, haha, skang aku cume tggu ko dlm kesulitan lg skali so aku leh gelak lg
2nd case
taknak bercakap? then takyah ckp, i dont even bother la, tak luak pun beras lam umah aku tak berckp ngan ko, ko ade msalah nak trust org, tp tu bukan masalah aku, bile aku ckp ko ade assumption ko sendiri tp ko tak sedar yg bende tu sebenarnye ape yg ko buat, ko ckp kalu dgn perempuan aku jd anjing tp ko tak sedar yg ko hari2 layan aku mcm anjing, tp even anjing pun kalu diberi makan tahu berterima kasih, tp ko? haiihhh, frankly speaking, even kesenangan ko skang ni pun sisa dr ape yg aku reject setahun dulu, n ko bgga n berlagak dgn bende yg ko recycle dr sampah aku, tp jgn risau, ko takkan sedar, n smpi hari ni aku rse ko seorg yg melucukan
3rd case
ini lagi kelakar, terpengaruh, ko tgk org buat sesuatu ko nak ikut , tp bila ade something wrong ko tunding jari, masalh pertama ko ialah ko berkawan ngan org2 yg beringatan kuat, org2 yg teliti, org2 yg berani buat berani tanggung, tp ko tak mcm tu sume, bila buat salah bukan susah pun nak minta maaf tp ko tak pulak, haha, brgkali ko takut kene bedal tp bukan sume org tak pemaaf mcm ko, hihihi. ko kelakar la
4th case
perkara yg paling senang, diam.. ko cite nak boom je, bila dgr aku mmg caye tp bila ade ralat aku tgk ko lain mcm je, tp ko sedar yg ko lain mcm, aku tak pikir pape pun tp last2 ko yg timbulkan ke-suspicious-an ko, bile aku tye ko sentap2, kalu takde pape ko wat lek je la, tp aku tau, mmg best berlagak baik, aku pun buat, haha, tu yg kelakar tu!
5th case
ko rse org tak hormat ko, tp ko tu hormat org ke? ko igt sume org leh trime ke cre ko, dah la kelakar, ko soh org trime cre ko tp ko deny cre org laen, pastu suke2 je wat muke ketat ko, aku nak bgtau yg aku ni bukan penyabar , aku tak suke hidup dgn kene tipu so act aku dah tahu ape yg ko buat, so ko ingat aku tak tahu so aku wat je la tak tahu, kelakar kan? ko rse ko berjaya tipu tp dr awal aku dah tahu... kelakar2
Update** Mood= best!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Maysara , Mystery Restaurant and Eat like theres no Tomorrow
Nurul Maysara Elyana Mohd Hakim, ni anak sepupu aku Hakim yg paling cute, lahir tahun ni gak pade Januari , hampeh betul Hakim, akukan Cucu Sulung, pehal lak anak ko da dua sedangkan aku cume ade anak kunci je?? ko mmg pemecah tradisi, tp nasib bek anak ko cute2, hahaha
tepat 56m dari Pusat Serenti Jeli, kedai ni, hmm, agak misteri kerana terletak dgn selekoh maut yg mne byk kemalangan kat sini, kedai ni pulak mcm terapung je kat lereng gaung, perhatikan gambar, huiii, so pe specialnye kedai ni selain makanan2 yg sedap2? aku cume akan makan kat sini SEKALI shj setahun, seriously, sebab ni la port aku breakfast sebelum daki Banjaran Titiwangsa tiap2 tahun, hahaha, kengkadang aku ralat gak sebab kedai ni agak misteri dan setiap kali aku perlukannye die ade kat situ, tp kenapa time bulan pose aku tak nampak pape kat sini?? Misteriii..
Eat Eat Eat At Renaissance Kota Bharu
Safety Officers Can Cook! wanna be safe? Employ 1!
Malam Raya yang lalu, disebabkan Cooking Company yg terlalu slow tp pantas dgn mulut yg PotPet2 akhirnye aku dan PakTeh step up in action demi menyelamatkan dateline Tokma yg agak takut juadah pagi rayanye tak sempat siap, so sebagai Speacialist, its up to us to save the day,

Time ni la boleh tgk skill masing2, ketepatan, kelajuan, dan seni yg mane tak terdapat pd family kami yg lain

bg amatur mmg sesuai guna kuali leper tp sebabkan im on different level so i use ordinary kuali :)
last one must be the best of all
Actually dlm family aku mmg the guys yg lgi terer masak tp disebabkan perangai M jugak yg kuat didalam kitorg so kami kengkadang lebih rela kebuluran dari masak untuk makan, hahahah
Credit to : Pakteh as my sidekick
Credit to : Pakteh as my sidekick
Monday, September 6, 2010
Bye Bye Rawang and Hello Gemas
Kundang project dah siap, well most of it, and the Templer park U-Turn pun 90%, other than that, Sungai Choh and Ijok Interchange pun da setel, so wat pe lagi aku bersimpuh di Rawang ni? so aku aku mintak dgn bos untuk ditukarkan ke Gemas Negeri Sembilan, tempat tu baru je site clearing so aku rse mungkin project ni akan ambil masa 3-5 tahun flat, so it seems nice,
Once again aku akan berjauhan ngan family, ngan kwn2, ngan org yg ku syg tp as myself, aku kene kuat dan aku harap mereka juga kuat, dan as for Gemas, yeah, bia ni jadi projek aku, aku da stat check tender dan BQ so far theres no problem so im going in,
Raya Tahun ni mungkin agak suram sikit pasal aku mmg da takde energy nak happy2, a lot has happen, aku cuba tuk lupakan die tp dalam bilik tidur aku 80% adalah barang2 die, so i cant help it to think of her kalu aku duk berseorangan, hahak, but i gain my senses about 20 minutes after that
so sempena ngan ini
Aku ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Dan Batin kepada semua yg kenal aku n if ade rezeki, someday kita akan jumpe lagi, if i remember u that is, :)
for the time being, Bye2
Once again aku akan berjauhan ngan family, ngan kwn2, ngan org yg ku syg tp as myself, aku kene kuat dan aku harap mereka juga kuat, dan as for Gemas, yeah, bia ni jadi projek aku, aku da stat check tender dan BQ so far theres no problem so im going in,
Raya Tahun ni mungkin agak suram sikit pasal aku mmg da takde energy nak happy2, a lot has happen, aku cuba tuk lupakan die tp dalam bilik tidur aku 80% adalah barang2 die, so i cant help it to think of her kalu aku duk berseorangan, hahak, but i gain my senses about 20 minutes after that
so sempena ngan ini
Aku ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Dan Batin kepada semua yg kenal aku n if ade rezeki, someday kita akan jumpe lagi, if i remember u that is, :)
for the time being, Bye2
Friday, September 3, 2010
Raya Tahun Ni
1. Aku masih bernyawa
2. Keluarga aku masih Ada
3. Sahabat2 aku masih ada
4. Aku Graduate
5. Aku ada kerja Tetap
6. Aku Disayangi
7. DApat Rezeki yg Cukup
8. Dapat pengalaman Hidup yg Baru
9. Memaafkan semua dan Buang perasaan Benci
10. Masih Mampu tersenyum
1. Aku masih bernyawa
2. Keluarga aku masih Ada
3. Sahabat2 aku masih ada
4. Aku Graduate
5. Aku ada kerja Tetap
6. Aku Disayangi
7. DApat Rezeki yg Cukup
8. Dapat pengalaman Hidup yg Baru
9. Memaafkan semua dan Buang perasaan Benci
10. Masih Mampu tersenyum
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